Guarantee your Queens for this year, by choosing your preferred month and placing just a £5 deposit per Queen. We have a limited number of Queens which will be available for dispatch in May, June, July, August and September. These Queens are calm, beautiful to handle, prolific layers and we find you only need to use water on these bees, no smoke needed in our experience.
A gentle bee producing good quantities of honey and over winter tendencies to be low maintenance, we have used these bees in our own apiaries for a number of years. Our trusted suppliers are thrilled to be working with Hagen's Bees after years of supplying Beekeepers in the UK.
Candipolline Gold is very useful in early spring particularly to prevent isolation starvation and when the bees are unable to go out to forage for the pollens of our own nature plants during inclement weather whilst the spring brood in the hive is rapidly developing.
Guarantee your Queens for this year, by choosing your preferred month and placing just a £5 deposit per Queen. We have a limited number of Queens which will be available for dispatch in May, June, July, August and September. These Queens are calm, beautiful to handle, prolific layers and we find you only need to use water on these bees, no smoke needed in our experience.
A gentle bee producing good quantities of honey and over winter tendencies to be low maintenance, we have used these bees in our own apiaries for a number of years. Our trusted suppliers are thrilled to be working with Hagen's Bees after years of supplying Beekeepers in the UK.