Date: 8th-9th October
Venue: Thetford Forest
In a Nutshell: Mountain bike race on a +/-12mile loop, 8pm start and 8am finish.
Richard - the Milk Bikes test machine - will be taking the ADL through its paces. He's entered as a solosist (yes, he's doing it by himself, and yes, he's a certified fruit-loop). Mark will be there on the spanners and coffee.
We're not messing around this year - we're employing some of the design rational behind the recently launched super-commuter, the RDA. A custom wheelset is going to be built specifically for this event with a super-duper front hub dynamo to run the headlights, so no batteries to charge or go flat. Also, the bike is going to be running Gates carbon belt drive with Alfine 8-speed internal hub gears. No chains and dérailleurs to get clogged up with mud and grit... should be a pretty boring night for Mark!