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Offer details
*Only one entry per review per item; The prize draw is open to all UK residents, except employees of the Sainsbury's Group; The prize is as follows: £100 Argos vouchers for the first 10 winners successfully drawn; To enter the prize draw you need to leave an approved product review on one of the items in this email. Trustpilot review submissions are exempt from the prize draw; The prize draw is run every quarter. The information you provide here will be safeguarded under the Data Protection Act and controlled by Argos Ltd; The winner will be notified via e-mail or telephone by Argos within 14 days of the closing date. Closing dates are 31/03/2024 for reviews submitted between 01/01/2024 and 31/03/2024: 30/06/2024 for reviews submitted between 01/04/2024 and 30/06/2024; 30/09/2024 for reviews submitted between 01/07/2024 and 30/09/2024; 31/12/2024 for reviews submitted between 01/10/2023 and 31/12/2024; The winning entry will be selected by an independent judge and the judge's decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into; No cash alternatives will be substituted for the prize. The promoter reserves the right to offer alternative items/activities of a greater or equivalent value should unforeseen circumstances require it; Use of a false name or address will disqualify any applicant from receiving the prize; The winner may be required to participate in post-event publicity arranged by or on behalf of the promoter; Promoted by Argos Distributors Limited, 33 Holborn, London, United Kingdom, EC1N 2HT; If the prize is not claimed within 28 days, we reserve the right to redraw. Details of the major winners can be requested by sending a SAE to the address above.
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